
FBS recognizes that to be on mission for God we must begin in our own community, extend out across our nation, and then finally reach out to the world. We are revitalizing our efforts now to intentionally be more effect at being on mission for God. Over the coming years the generations of our church will unite to impact our community and our world. 

Currently Sweetwater cooperates with the Seminole Baptist Association locally, the Florida Baptist Convention (www.flbaptist.org) in state, the North American Mission Board (www.namb.net) on our continent, and the International Mission Board (www.imb.org) across the globe. We have a rich history of contributing time, talent, and treasure to reaching people everywhere in the name of Jesus.  

More focused opportunities to serve locally, nationally, and globally are ahead. Commit to participate in every way you can as we seek to be the hands of feet of Jesus. These are truly exciting times in the life of Sweetwater! Watch for details.